Life cycle assessment and system analysis

The ecological evaluation and optimisation of products, processes or companies is an important instrument today for making one's own sustainability efforts transparent. Legal regulations or customers often impose extensive requirements for these analyses, which are usually life cycle related. This requires a targeted approach, otherwise measures have little effect or even do harm and the essential levers remain unused. Good models for life cycle assessments or other system analyses are usually complex and need critical consideration. Material flow analyses are often used to balance the material and energy flows of products or processes, for example, and are presented by means of flow diagrams, e.g. Sankey diagrams.
We work with professional software, extensive databases, our own data sets and a great deal of experience.

We support you in your projects with:

  • Life cycle assessments or LCA
  • Eco-efficiency analyses
  • Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint
  • Environmental Footprint Analyses
  • Environmental Product Declaration
  • Utility value analyses
  • Forecast models
  • Material flow models and analyses