project | 10.06.2024

DAS: Heat risk management in the city - research project

Creation of a planning basis for municipal heat risk management

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The plans for a national heat protection plan of the German government show the importance of dealing with the issue of heat in cities. The current joint project aims to support municipalities in better assessing and quantifying the objective hazard, vulnerability and developing integrative solutions and planning strategies to adapt urban structure, economy and public services to climate change. The current project makes an important contribution to aligning municipal heat risk management with actual needs.

The method for identifying heat hotspots was developed in the project "Abc - Augsburg stays cool" - bifa was also involved in this project. In the HEATS project, these hotspots are now linked with socio-demographic data from the census. The aim is not only to assess the risk of overheating in a 100 x 100 m grid, but also to determine at this resolution whether or which vulnerable groups live there, in order to be able to plan targeted and tailored adaptation measures for these people. These include, for example a supply of retreat possibilities close to the place of residence in case of heat (cool rooms in public buildings, green areas, etc.). A newly developed topic-specific app will be used to visualize the results and raise awareness among the population. In addition, framework conditions for a database, in which heat tolerant persons can (be) registered, will be collected and discussed.

Furthermore, exemplary type representatives for social institutions such as old people's homes will be analyzed by micro-scale, numerical urban climate models and further detailed studies (e.g. energetic building simulations) with regard to hazards in indoor and outdoor spaces and (constructional and planning) measures on building and environment level for adaptation will be pointed out. Project results will be validated in workshops and prepared for further education of people in energy/climate protection consulting. The formation of a network with other cities is planned.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment is funding the project with the funding guideline "Measures for Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change". bifa is taking on the analysis of the needs for user-oriented technology development within the framework of the project and is providing support for communication and public relations work.

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Förderkennzeichen: 67DAS255E

Förderprogramm: "Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel" des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)

Förderschwerunkt Schwerpunkt 3: Kommunalde Leuchtturmvorhaben sowie Aufbau von lokalen und regionalen Kooperationen

Projektlaufzeit: 2022 - 2026

Projektpartner: DLR, Ökok; SLU, UniA, UUlm und WHZ
