Climate protection for municipalities and districts:
The planning instruments climate protection concept, energy use plan and strategic heat planning

Climate protection is an obligation and challenging to implement. The districts and municipalities play a central role in this. They can promote energy efficiency, renewable energies and decisions for climate protection within their sphere of influence.

The solid basis of climate protection concepts, municipal heating plans and energy utilization plans is always a recording and evaluation of the current situation. Potentials for energy saving and conversion to renewable energies are disclosed. Future paths for emission reduction up to greenhouse gas neutrality are shown. The study results offer clarity and completeness. In particular, however, they serve to meet the task of climate protection comprehensively under economic boundary conditions on the basis of practical, coordinated action plans.

For these studies, bifa offers a continuous and consistent involvement of local actors. Emerging technologies and innovations are taken into account. Interdisciplinary project teams consisting of engineers, natural scientists and economists as well as professional moderators work on the projects and ensure the quality of the results.

The digital energy utilization plan serves as a communal, holistic planning tool and aims to establish a low-consumption, renewable energy-based and intelligent energy supply in the study area. It is a project format funded in Bavaria ( Focus topics such as heat networks, renewable energy projects, sewage sludge networks or municipal properties can be selected.

Climate protection concepts focus more strongly on climate protection management. In addition to inventory and potential analysis, they include climate protection goals, target scenarios, a moderated creation process as well as stabilization and controlling. Non-energy-related fields of action can be included. Climate protection concepts are funded by the federal government via the municipal guideline ( or, for example, in the Bavarian program KommKlimaFör (

Strategic and municipal heating plans aim to save energy and defossilise the heating sector. Around 80 % of the heating supply is currently still covered by natural gas and oil. Heating plan studies provide transparency on heating requirements in block-by-block resolution and show refurbishment potential. They show where and how renewable heat sources or waste heat can be utilised, how heating networks should be set up or expanded and what measures a municipality or institution should take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the heating sector to zero along a transformation path.

In the environment of or as a consequence of the mentioned project formats, bifa offers detailed and focus studies as well as implementation support.

We support you in your projects with:

  •     Comprehensive data collection and analysis
  •     Involvement of local knowledge and action makers (stakeholder participation)
  •     Energy and greenhouse gas balancing according to BISKO or GHG Protocol.
  •     Georeferenced evaluations and potential presentations
  •     Potentials for energy saving and energy efficiency increase in the field of heat and electricity, potentials for renewable energies
  •     Objectives, target scenarios and development paths
  •     Detailed measures and action plans
  •     Procedure for establishing climate protection management